Nordic Chinese Christian Church (NCCC) purpose and statement of faith
Purpose 目的
The NORDIC CHINESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH is formed by a number of the Chinese churches in Nordic with the purposes of: demonstrating the unity in Christ in working together in God’s ministry; providing a spiritual home for the Nordic Chinese Christians for mutual fellowship; maintaining a united witness in having Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church; following His Great Commission to preach the Full Gospel; and nurturing the spiritual life of the believers.
The Church is interdenominational, crossing culture, tradition and language differences, nurturing brothers and sisters to love one another in mutual encouragement and spiritual growth.
Member churches must maintain close contact in order to strengthen the relationship of the Nordic Chinese overseas Christians working together to preach the Gospel effectively.
Statement of faith 信仰宣言
We believe: The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for Christian life and faith.
We believe: in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe: that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
We believe: that Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. Further, He rose bodily from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven. One day He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and to establish His Kingdom without end. The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for justification and salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ are saved from sin’s guilt and punishment, free from the power of sin.
我們相信:聖子耶穌基督,為真神和真人,經聖靈感孕由童貞女馬利亞所生,為世人的罪被釘死在十字架上,第三天身體從死裡復活,現今已升天,將來必要榮耀再臨,審判活人死人,他的國度永無窮盡。耶穌基督受死與復活是信徒得救與稱義之獨一根基;人因信耶穌基督而得拯救, 免去罪咎,免受罪刑,脫離罪的權勢。
We believe: that the Holy Spirit together with God the Father, God the Son are worshipped and honored, is the Spirit of Truth and Holiness, convicts men, regenerates the believing sinner, gives spiritual gifts to the believer, and unites them together to build up Christ’s Body, the Church.
我們相信:聖靈與聖父、聖子同受敬拜和尊榮,是真理和聖潔的靈。聖靈感動罪人悔改,信靠耶穌基督,分賜各種屬靈恩賜給眾信徒,使其各盡其職,合而為一地建立基督的身體 - 教會。
We believe: that the Church is composed of all such persons who through saving faith in Jesus Christ and called out to be God’s children, manifesting God’s love, preaching the Good News of the Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Head of the Church, personally instituting the Water Baptism and Holy Communion.
We believe: that Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, will personally return in power and glory. On that Day, all men will be revealed before the judgment seat of Christ, believers resurrected to everlasting blessedness, unbelievers to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment. God will be King forever. Believers must be watchful for the return of the Lord, because no one knows the time of the return of Jesus Christ.
我們相信:教會元首耶穌基督必會在權能及榮耀中親自再來。當那日,各人都將在基督的審判台前顯露出來,信徒復活與主同在享永福, 不信 者復活受審判;神要作王直到永遠。信徒需要隨時警醒預備主再來, 因沒有任何人知道耶穌基督再來的日期。
Clarification 澄清
This purpose and statement of faith is valid for all NCCC churches not only for NCCC in Stockholm
这个目的和信仰宣言适用于所有 北歐華人基督教會 不仅是斯德哥尔摩 堂
Common web sites 共同网络
United ministry