Chinese version
1977年,張秀蘭姊妹開始帶領 斯德哥爾摩的幾位基督徒姊妹在金 馬咖啡店舉行查經聚會。1979年, 當時作為餐飲專業大學生的常思恩 牧師從英國來到金馬飯店實習,熱 心活躍的“常大哥”逐漸組織起一 批青年同工,開展華僑福音工作, 為日後正式成立團契建立基礎。
1981年,斯德哥爾摩華人基督 徒團契成立。常弟兄巧合地結識了 非拉鐵非教會的主任牧師(一位弟 兄,不知是否非拉鐵非教會的主任 牧師),後者慷慨地將其教會位於 St. Eriksplan的一座三層樓房空置的 頂樓借出,作為團契聚會的地點。 初時參加崇拜聚會的會眾約有20多 人,包括來自香港和台灣的移民。 主要的同工是常思恩、王世澤弟 兄,李碧潔、張秀蘭和蔣瑩姊妹.在團契成立後的最初幾年, 神感動 瑞典教會的奚服禮牧師和史牧師輪 流在主日聚會中用英文證道,配以 中文翻譯。團契還包括主日學和行 政組織。及後神帶了王教恩伯伯 和他的兒孫整個大家族來到我們當 中,團契於是變得十分興旺,王伯 伯也經常站上講壇餵養信徒。
在常思恩、王世澤的推動及瑞 典教會桑牧師的幫助下,華人基督 徒團契於1981年夏天在瑞典南部 Tollarp舉辦了首屆北歐夏令會,有 來自瑞典和挪威各團契的信徒和慕 道友共20多人參加。在同一時期, 基督教華僑佈道會(COCM)開始在 每年夏天派遣青年佈道隊到斯德哥 爾摩舉行宣教活動。
COCM的總幹事王光霞姊妹參 加了最初幾屆夏令會,對北歐華人信徒的狀況很有認識。常思恩後來 主動聯絡COCM,詳細報告斯德哥 爾摩華人團契的狀況,引起王光霞 的進一步關注。於是,COCM先後 差遣賈力均傳道和楊為蓉傳道到斯 德哥爾摩帶領華人團契。為蓉傳道 在Duvbo的住處一度成為活潑的青 年信徒們頻繁聚會的場所,兼承辦 各種同工會議和接待外地訪客。為 蓉傳道通過多次駕車探訪,團契逐 漸與斯德哥爾摩幾個鄰近城市和瑞 典南部的華人信徒建立了聯繫。經 過COCM的聯絡,我們與哥登堡和 奧斯陸的華人團契建立了聯繫。
1985年, 北歐華人基督教會正 式成立, 原來的團契成為斯德哥爾 摩福音堂。神感動奚牧師和為蓉傳 道,聯絡位於Slussen的Maria Magdalena教會, 得到他們願意借出副堂給我們舉辦主日崇拜和主日學, 直到今天。雖然教會在成立後的一 段時間內沒有能力自聘牧者,但是 神奇妙地先後安排了周兆真牧師和 連登權牧師義務幫助本堂。
自90年代起,陸續有中國大 陸的留學生來到斯德哥爾摩。從美 國來的許宏偉弟兄成立東南區查經 班,常常在家中以聚餐形式招待留 學生,彼此分享信仰。後來趙紅姊 妹接替許弟兄,帶領查經班逐漸發 展成為國語團契,吸納人數漸長的 大陸背景信徒。今天的国语团契由 一批完成学业后定居在本地的年轻 信徒带领,是教會向大陸學生和新
盧子勝傳道於1996年成為首 位本堂自聘的牧者。針對教會中長 者們的需要,盧師母組織了摩西小組,通過查經、醫學講座等形式喂 养组员对屬靈和生活知識的渴求。 近年来摩西团契由一群以姊妹为主 的中老年人信徒构成,其中不少成 員是餐饮业背景的香港移民,熱心 地向同行中的華僑同胞傳揚福音。
2002年,沈志華牧師成為本 堂自聘的主任牧師。教會的會眾人 數漸漸增長,需要也越來越多樣 化。比較明顯的趨勢是大陸移民的 增多和第二代的成長,為教會事工 帶來新的機遇與挑戰。早期的兒童 主日學僅僅是託兒所性質,後來經 過盧傳道和師母的奠基和陳良慧 姊妹等同工的改良發展,逐漸引入 系統的教學內容,並且按兒童的年 齡和母語分成若干班級。蒙神的呼 召,2008年教會又成立了幼兒主日 學,除了照顧孩子,還向很多未信主的家長傳福音。教會早期的青年 團契的成員大多有香港背景,很多 人已經成長為教會的骨幹同工,而 第二代華僑中的青少年卻由於出生 於瑞典,與父輩相比有很多不同的 需要。2005年起,教會聘請羅家傑 傳道,主要負責以瑞典文牧養青少年。
2014 年,羅家傑牧師被按立為牧師。這是斯德哥爾摩福音堂首次按立牧師。從2014年開始,斯德哥爾摩福音堂共有兩位牧者。沈志華牧師負責廣東話及普通話事工,而羅家傑牧師則負責下一代及兒童事工。
回顧教會25年來的歷史,可 以見證到神的恩典常常與我們同 在。每當教會出現需要,神都及時 供應,感動牧者和同工擺上自己的 愛心和力量同心共度難關。神亦親 自帶領我們開疆拓土,通過各類關 懷和宣教活動在本地華僑社群中見 證主的美好信實。願一切榮耀歸於 主!
In 1977, Sister Chang Xiulan began to lead a bible study for several Chinese Christian sisters at Golden horse Chinese Restaurant (金马饭店) in Stock- holm. Two years later, Pastor Albert Seung, who majored in restaurant management at university, came from England for an internship at the restaurant. he passionately organized young co-workers to begin evangelical outreach activities among local Chinese. This laid the foundation for a fellowship.
In 1981, the Stockholm Chinese Christian Fellowship was established. By chance, Brother Seung met the senior pastor of Filadelfiakyrkan. The pastor agreed to rent out the vacant third floor of the church at St. Eriksplan for the fellowship to meet. The first meetings had over 20 participants made up of immigrants from Hong Kong and Taiwan. important co-workers included Brother Albert Seung, Brother Philip Wong, Sister Lee Bik Kit, Sister chang Xiulan, and Nancy Jiang. in the first few years of the fellowship, God called Pastor Selfrid Ershammar and another Swedish missionary, who worked in china before, to take turns ministering to the fellowship by preaching sermons in English that were translated in Chinese. The fellowship also had a Sunday school and an administrative organization. God later called Brother Wang Jiaoen and his family to our fellowship. As a result, more people came to the fellowship and the number of activities increased. he would also frequently preach and disciple believers.
Thanks to the initiative of Brother Seung and Philip Wong, and with the help of Pastor Adolf Nilsson, the fellowship organized the first Scandinavia Chinese Christian summer camp in Tollarp in southern Sweden in the summer of 1981. A total of 20 people from fellowships from Norway and Sweden participated, including believer and non-believing seekers. At around the same time, COCM began to send a youth missionary team to conduct evangelical activities in Stockholm.
COCM secretary-general Mary Wang participated in the first few editions of the summer camp. She familiarized herself with the situation of Chinese Christians in Scandinavia. Brother Seung would inform COCM of the situation of the Stockholm Chinese Christian Fellowship so that Sister Wang could better focus on certain areas. As a result, COCM sent Chia Li-Chun and Yang Weirong to lead the Stockholm fellowship. The youth group would frequently go to Sister Yang’s home in Duvbo for meetings. At the same time, she also opened up her home for co-worker meetings and would let out-of-town guests stay with her. Sister yang would also frequently visit by car and establish contact with Chinese believers who lived in nearby cities and in the southern parts of Sweden. COCM also helped to establish contact between the Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Oslo Chinese Christian Fellowships
In 1985, SCCC was officially established. The former Stockholm fellowship became the Stockholm church. God called Pastor Selfrid Ershammar and Sister yang Weirong to lead the church and found the congregation a meeting space at the Maria Magdalena Församlingshus near Slussen. There, it could hold Sunday services and Sunday school and it continues to meet here today.Although the church found itself without a pastor for a period of time, God allowed Pastors Simon Chow and Rinson Lin to help the church on a voluntary basis.
Starting in the 1990s, many students from mainland China came to Stockholm to study. Brother Howard Xu (许宏伟) began a bible study group in the city’s northeast and would frequently invite students for meals and share his faith. Later, Sister Anna Zhao continued Brother Xu’s work and led the bible study group, which later became the Mandarin fellowship as there are more and more believers from the mainland. Young believers who initially came as students and later decided to stay in Sweden now lead the fellowship. Members of the fellowship actively share the Gospel with Chinese students and new immigrants from China.
Pastor Tommy Lo became the Stockholm church’s first official pastor in 1996. To address the needs of the church’s elderly members, Mrs. Lo established the Moses group. Through bible studies and health seminars, the group ministered to the members’ spiritual and daily needs. in the last few years, a number of middle-aged and elderly Christian sisters have participated in Moses group. A number of them work in the restaurant industry and come from Hong Kong. They actively share the Gospel with their Chinese colleagues.
In 2002, Pastor Anthony Shum became the church’s senior pastor. The church’s numbers continued to increase and along with its needs. in particular, there was an increasing number of immigrants from mainland China and the children born in Sweden were growing up. Both of these groups presented new opportunities and challenges for the church. initially, children’s Sunday school was nothing more than a nursery. After Pastor and Mrs. Lo left, Sister Elisabet Chen and other co-workers helped to develop and improve the children’s Sunday school. They began to teach biblical messages in an organized way and classes were divided by language and age. In 2008, a toddler Sunday school began. in addition to taking care of the children, it also evangelizes their non-believing parents. The church’s youth fellowship initially began with young people from Hong Kong. Many of these members are now responsible for the church. The current youth at the church born in Sweden also have different needs. In 2005, the church appointed Pastor Billy Lo to minister to the church’s youth in Swedish.
In 2014 pastor Billy Lo was ordained to the reverend. It was the first time Stockholm church ordained a pastor to the reverend. From 2014 year Stockholm church had two reverends. Rev Anthony Shum was responsible for the Cantonese and mandarin ministry and Rev Billy Lo was responsible for next-generation ministry and children ministry.
Over the last 25 years of the church’s history, one can witness God’s grace. Every time the church had a need, God responded, moving pastors and co-workers to devote and share their love and strength to face these challenges together. God has also led local Chinese to witness his goodness and honesty through our caring and evangelical activities. Glory be to God!
Clarification 澄清
Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church (SCCC) was the earlier original name. When Finnish Chinese Evangelical Church joined as the sixth church on 1 April 2010, the English name Scandinavia Chinese Christian Church (SCCC) changed to Nordic Chinese Christian Church (NCCC) since Finland is part of Nordic, not Scandinavia. The Chinese name was not changed since it already includes the meaning of Nordic.
北歐華人基督教會會徽 NCCC logo
Logo committee was decided on the final selection of NCCC logo design from in total 19 applicants, and this design will be implemented from August 2019 on. The final design is coming from brother Gesi An in NCCC Stockholm.
Reference documents 參考文件
Stockholm Church’s 25th Anniversary