Nordic Chinese Christian Church in Stockholm
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請在主日崇拜期間使用 網上数字崇拜程序

Please use the online digital worship program during the Sunday worship




使徒行傳 1﹕8

Welcome to the Nordic Chinese Christian Church in Stockholm (NCCC Stockholm) evangelical church

Stockholm NCCC is part of the Nordic Chinese Christian Church, it is a non-denominational Chinese Christian church scattered in different corners of northern Europe. The purpose is to spread the evangelical Christian beliefs to people with a Chinese background in different corners of northern Europe, so the body of Christ can be established and the name of the Lord be praised.

NCCC Stockholm uses mainly Mandarin, Cantonese, but also Swedish and English.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth"

Act 1﹕8

Visiting Addresses & Contact



The theme of this year.


The bible verse of this year


Monthly bible verse   PG Account: 71954-2  
  +4686425655   Swish: 123 621 89 45

通知 Information

教會 IT 管理的 UAT(使用者驗收測試)伺服器(服务器)已準備好使用新的教會管理軟體(软件)工具版本 3.0。歡迎每一位教會同工來測試和學習。它是基於新的資訊安全和管理理念。

Church IT management's UAT (User Acceptance Test) server is ready with new church management software tool release 3.0. Every church coworkers are welcome to test and learn. It is based on new information security and management concepts.

請盡快聯絡教會 IT 管理事工尋求問題和回饋,生產切換日期為 12 月 30 日。

Contact church IT management soon for question & feedback, production cutover date is 30 Dec.