主日崇拜 地點和時間
時間﹕ 每逢星期日下午三時至五時
地點: Andreaskyrkan Högbergsgatan 31
地鐵站: Slussen
出口: Hökens Gata
谷歌地圖 838F+J8 Stockholm
以外的青年崇拜用瑞典語或英语, 请参右欄。
Sunday Worship location and time
tThe worship is also available online
Place & time
Time: Every Sunday from 3 PM to 5 PM
Address: Andreaskyrkan Högbergsgatan 31
Subway Station: Slussen.
Exit: Hökens Gata.
Google Map 838F+J8 Stockholm
Children's Sunday Schools are under worship time.
The separate youth worships are in Swedish or English, see on the right colum
The worship is mainly in Mandarin or Cantonese with a translator between. The remote translation to English is based on request. Some worships are in Swedish with translation to Mandarin, see the below Worship Schedule link.
Please use the online Worship Program
保存樹木和打印紙,請在主日崇拜時使用數字版本, 例如手机浏览器或APP
Save the trees and printed paper, please use the digital version during Sunday worship e.g. Mobile Web or APP:
北歐華人基督教會NextGen英语網絡直播崇拜 NexGen NCCC English worship online
每星期日上午11点 Every Sundays 11 am
The theme of this year
Monthly bible verse